My doctor's visit went well today other than my almost 2-year-old princess being a total twerp! She just couldn't sit still. The doctor says everything and baby looks good. Couldn't hear the heart on the doppler but did see the fetal heart tones on the ultrasound machine and it showed the baby's heart beat at 171bpm. We discussed the extra monitoring that I will receive starting around the 26th to 28th week of pregnancy. Twice weekly visits and tests plus they are going to look in to whether my insurance will cover at an at home monitoring system. The doctor also briefly touched on early delivery but I think if all is going well with the extra tests we should be fine. Otherwise we have to have an amnio and any delivery before 39 weeks a second doctor at the practice has to consult to deem it medically necessary. We certainly will be on pins and needles after my 36 week visit but hopefully with the frequency of my visits everything should be fine. Well I have another visit in 2 weeks but probably not much to tell then. Get my Pap done and hopefully hear the heartbeat on the doppler. If not I pray they bring in the ultrasound machine. My insurance will cover it so how often that is done should not matter. I cannot remember for the life of me how early we heard Ryleigh on the doppler.
Anyhow, I am going to sign off for the night.