Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Appointment info and a bit of a vent on other subject

So my appointment was short and sweet with the nurse. The bloodwork at the blood place sucked though. I made sure this time to go home after my appointment to eat and have some water. Still didn't seem to help. I had to be poked 3 different times by 2 different people before they were able to get blood. Anyhow, tentative due date is June 26, 2010 but that is based off my last period with ovulation around day 14. I ovulated later around day 28 according to my temp charts.
Anyhow, on to my vent. Just found out today from our adoption SW that my ex-employer has been payed by the state for my then foster daughter's child care as well as any other children that were in state care. Payment was suspended due to the abrupt closing of the center. They've actually over payed her by 1 month and now are having difficulties getting it back because her one contact number is disconnected. I tried all the numbers I had and they are all disconnected! I did find an email address and have contacted an old employee that I know still has contact with her to see if she can be of any help. The woman owe's me my final paycheck and I know she's probably taken the money and run with it! Merry Christmas to her 3 spoiled brats and hubby and screw the rest of us that worked hard for the money! I've already filed with L&I but it looks like this may have to go to small claims court! I really don't want to do that!