Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday's apppointment, etc.
Forgot to post an update. Everything is looking good so far as we can tell. LOL........darn u/s results from the previous week were not in my file. Doctor said he would have the nurse look for them since the imaging center should have sent them right over! I go back next Friday so hopefully he has everything by then. Next week I start weekly appointments to make sure the GD stays under control and baby doesn't get too big, etc. I am so ready for baby to be here! Have a few more things to get ready but almost done. Nursery is all set up even though we won't be using it for more than clothing storage and the changing table. Baby will be rooming in with us as much as possible since we've also got the bassinet. So far the last thing we need for baby is to order the cloth diaper rental and whatnot from Nell. Don't need to do that for a few more weeks though. Still trying to get other things done around the house. Need to get the new stove soon and then get everything ordered for the fence that Eric is going in install in the front yard. Really looking forward to that. Then we will have a safe and dog poop free area for Whisper to play and enjoy the summer! The backyard is safe but I wanted a place for the kids that is completely dog poop free!