Gonna make this quick since dinner will be ready soon! The visit was a long one but necessary. I was stressed over significantly less movement. Long story short everything is fine and was about to be given jellybeans when he decided to kick things up a notch. Doctor wanted to see more accelerations and guess baby doesn't like jellybeans since when the nurse said she might just have to give me some baby decided to give us the readings we needed to be allowed to go home. Whisper got a jellybean though! Glad I didn't get any because I HATE jellybeans!
So my weight is down 2 pounds from a month ago. Stresses me out but doctor was okay with it. Because of the GD diagnosis I will be going in for an ultrasound within the next couple weeks. Will call and schedule that on Monday. As long as I go in enough time for results for my May 19th appointment everything should be fine. Currently measuring as I should but doctor wants to take extra precautions. I know it's too soon but I'm ready for baby to be here!