Monday, February 8, 2010

18 week appointment

My appointment went well. Saw a med student today as well as my doctor. Med student did everything and then the doctor came in and we talked briefly. The baby's heartrate was 139. I had originally planned on taking the at home doppler we received from This morning when I decided I should make sure the batteries worked against what I kept telling myself I decided to try it out. Of course, as I knew deep down would happen I only could find my own heartrate. So when Eric got home from work I confessed to him what I had done and that it was stressing me out so he said he'd give it a try. He immediately found the heartrate of the baby. It was 147 and then baby moved and he found it again and it was 155. So he's either a genius or he got lucky! I learned my lesson to never use it by myself and always have daddy do it!
I also went this afternoon to have my blood drawn for the quad screening. Hopefully that will come back fine. Otherwise I imagine we will be having other advanced ultrasound. I know amnio is also an option but after reading about that I am choosing against that. It won't change the outcome of this pregnancy and the u/s should be able to see any problems.
I scheduled my regular 20 week ultrasound and have it scheduled for 20 weeks exactly on Monday February 22nd with a check in of 2:45. Cannot wait! Want to know that everything looks good with baby and find out if we are having a boy or girl.